"The third eye is an energy centre constructed by man; it is a correspondence to the energy centre, the causal body, constructed by the Monad." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1160)
"Through the practice of the power of visualisation, the third eye is developed." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1010/1)
"The third or spiritual eye has several functions. Amongst others, it is the organ for illumination, the unveiled eye of the soul, through which light and illuination comes into the mind, and thus the entire lower life becomes irradiated. It is also the organ through which pours the directing energy which streams out from the consious creating adept to the instruments of service, his thought-forms.
The little evolved do not, of course, employ the third eye for the stimulating of their thought-forms." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 974/5)
"When the third eye is used, which is the case in contemplation, it is the synthesiser and director of triple energy; hence the powerful work performed by those in whom it is functioning. The third eye only begins to function when the third circle of egoic petals is beginning slowly to unfold." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1007)
"One of the fundamental rules back of all magical processes is that no man is a magician or worker in white magic until the third eye is opened, or in process of opening, for it is by means of that eye that the thought-form is energised, directed and controlled and the lesser builders or forces are swept into any particular line of activity." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1008)
"The 'Eye of Shiva' in the human being has its position . . .in the centre of the forehead between the two physical eyes.
It is not to be confounded with the pineal gland, which is distinctly a physical centre or gland. The third eye exists in etheric matter, and is an etheric center of force, . . . whereas the pineal gland is formed of matter of the three lower sub-planes of the physical plane. The latter, nevertheless, has to be functioning more or less before the 'Eye of Shiva' becomes in any degree active." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1009)
"The third eye is the director of energy or force, and thus an instrument of the will of Spirit. . . . It is the eye of the inner vision, and he who has opened it can direct and control the energy of matter, see all things in the Eternal Now, and therefore be in touch with causes more than with effects, read the akashic records, and see clairvoyantly. . . . It is through the medium of this 'all-seeing eye' that the Adepts can at any moment put Himself in touch with his disciples anywhere." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1010/1)
"The third eye links the awakened physical plane man with the astral or subjective world, and enables him to function consciously there. . . . The third eye is the window of the Ego or soul functioning on the physical plane whereby he looks inward into the three worlds." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1130)