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Listed below are a selection of links and resources describing Esoteric Philosophy and the Ageless Wisdom Teachings.

Aart Jurriaanse
Aart Jurriaanse has written and compiled many valuable books on Esoteric Philosophy. His articles were published extensively through Share International, and several quotes have been collected at WikiQuotes. His most valuable book (in my view) was "Bridges" and provides an excellent introduction to Esoteric Philosophy.
Agni Yoga Society
This is the Official Site for the Agni Yoga Society. They distribute The Agni Yoga books, written by Helena Roerich. Group
This is a Theosophical group which pays particular emphasis to the writings of Annie Besant and Charles Webster Leadbeater. Many books by AB and CWL to download for free. They also have a Facebook Group.
Benjamin Creme
A short biography on Benjamin Creme. Includes an interview and information on Maitreya.
Benjamin Creme Museum of Art
The Benjamin Creme Museum of Art is located in Los Angeles and presents the artworks created by Benjamin Creme. Through the aid of his own Master, Creme’s paintings explore altogether new levels, demonstrating a significant depth of understanding of esotericism, expanding upon the artistic work of the early theosophically inspired pioneers. Using art to express abstract esoteric principles, Creme brought down into physical plane expression that which hitherto had remained in the world of ideas and ideals.
Blavatsky Net
This site is dedicated primarily to H. P. Blavatsky and the development and dissemination of her Theosophical works. The statement of purpose for this site is to "accumulate evidence in support of Blavatsky's writings, develop tools to assist in study of Blavatsky's work, and to disseminate the principles of Theosophy".
"Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds" (the movie)
If your eyes are tired of reading, you might enjoy this critically acclaimed movie called "Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds". You can purchase the movie if you wold like a high quality digital version, but you can also watch it for free on Youtube: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
Kessinger Publishing
Kessinger Publishing is a print house offering thousands of re-print or rare or out-of-print esoteric books. I was able to find my copy of Occult Chemistry (by Besant and Leadbeater) through a facsimile reprint by Kenssinger.
Krishnamurti Foundation of America
The homepage for the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. Krishnamurti was overshadowed by Maitreya during many public and private events. This site offers the complete collection of Krishnamurti's works in book, audio and video format.
Lucis Trust
The homepage for Lucis Trust and the teachings of Alice A. Bailey on Esoteric Philosophy. The Arcane School offers correspondence instruction on Esoteric Philosophy.
Lucis Trust - Alice A. Bailey books online
This page provides a searchable presentation of the Alice A. Bailey books. Permission is granted to view, copy and store the material and print pages for your own [personal and non-commercial] use.  All other rights are reserved. Permission may be requested in writing to use the copyright materials on this website.
Monadic Media
This Youtube site presents a series of videos discussing the Esoteric Philosophy in an easy-to-digest format. Lots of viewing here.
Murdo MacDonald-Bayne
Dr. Murdo MacDonald-Bayne was overshadowed by the Master Jesus during many of his lectures and writings.  He founded the College of Universal Science in the early 1930s and left a series of teachings in both written and recorded format. You might be most interested in his books "Beyond the Himalayas" and "Yoga of the Christ". Some free lectures are also available to read as well as several Books for purchase. You can also listen to free recordings by Murdo made between 1947-54 at weekly lectures in both Johannesburg and Pretoria, South Africa.
Netnews Association
An simple portal to download books by Sai Baba or from the Agni Yoga series.
Nicholas Roerich Museum
Nicholas Roerich was the husband of Helena Roerich (who wrote the Agni Yoga Teachings) anda prolific painter and esoterisit in his own right. The Museum is located in New York and offers many events and opportunities to enjoy Roerich's works.
Our Elder Brothers Return
This site was created by Gerard Aartsen and contains a rare and valuable bibliography of books from a variety of esoteric authors and their teachings. Highly recommended.
Ramana Maharshi
This site is dedicated to the life and works of Sri Ramana Marshi. It offers a section to download several free written works in various tranlsations, and I would especially recommend one of his most important works "Who Am I". There are photographs and videos available to download free or to view photos.
School for Esoteric Studies
This site contains a wealth of information about esoteric philosophy and was developed through the efforts of a group of disciples originally involved with Alice A Bailey and the Arcane School. Most important on this site (in my opinion!) is the archive of talks and conversations between Alice A Bailey and her students in their preparations for "Group Initiation". Alice Bailey and her group met regularly for these Friday evening discussions to better develop their understanding of the process involved in Group Initation. This is a rare and fascinating collection of discussions.
Seven Ray Insitute, University of the Seven Ray and the Morya Federation
Founded in 1985, the Seven Ray Institute was created as an organisation dedicated to learning about, teaching, and using the seven rays in everyday living. The University of the Seven Rays was founded in 1987 with the purpose of expanding and deepening the work of the Seven Ray Institute and has taken the responsibility of teaching and spreading the knowledge of the Ageless Wisdom (Esoteric Philosophy). In 2008, the Morya Federation was established, bringing a still more expanded University of the Seven Rays Program to the Internet.
Share International Foundation
A site dedicated to information about the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher, and the Hierarchy of Masters to the modern world.
Share International - Audio/Video Presentations
This page contains a variety of audio and video recordings including Messages by Maitreya, lectures and talks by Benjamin Creme, and public radio interviews. These recordings contain energetic blessings by Maitreya and can be experienced by the listener during playback.
Share International - Archives
A great place to easily download many current books and articles on the Reappearance of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom.
Talking With Angels
A book written by Gitta Mallasz, recounts the real-life story of four young Hungarian children during World War II who had regular meetings and discussions with spiritual Beings who came to be known as the 'angels'. The three 'angels' were later revealed by Benjamin Creme to have been the Masters Jesus, Morya and Koot Hoomi in disguise. (Benjamin Creme, Share International, Jan/Feb, 2003, p. 47). See the performance of this story, view more background material or listen to the audio book.
Theosophical Society
A homepage for the Theosophical Society. This is the site for the International Headquarters in Pasadena, California.
Theosophical University Press
An enormous wealth of information with one of the best online collections of books and articles from Theosophical writers. Great online source for Theosophical literature.
Theosophical Archive
This is a reproduction site for the Theosophical Society and an additional portal to access the list of over 1000 theosophical writers and their books. Just different format to search through, if it helps.
The Canadian Theosophical Association
This site has several resources including multiple on-line resources. It also contains a directory to Theosophical groups and study centers located in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec.
World Goodwill Site
A subsidiary page of the Lucis Trust site, this page deserves special mention for disciples especially interested in the Goodwill Movement throughout the world.