Health and Healing (part 1)
"Everywhere, today, are to be found groups whose main concern is to further the idea of healthy living and to foster the interest of the public in achieving greater vitality and freedom from disease. On all sides, books are appearing offering dietary and other regimes -- some new and unproved, others based on ancient lore -- which claim to cure all bodily ills from overweight to the deadliest scourges to which humanity is prone. A new impetus has been given to research into the causes and nature of disease and to its prevention and cure.
As yet, the true cause of disease is quite unknown. Buried deep in man's past, it is largely karmic, and is transmitted by heredity. In this karma, all of humanity shares. Ancient transgressions of the Laws of Life have left this unwelcome heritage and only a profound reconstruction of our ways of thinking and living will transform this situation and, gradually, bring balance. That such balance will come is inevitable; but it will take time to eradicate certain age-old diseases and to cleanse the soil of the planet itself. In particular, the traditional forms of burial, widespread today, must give way to cremation, the only sanitary method of disposal of the body after death.
Everywhere, now, are to be found enclaves of research into the newer healing methods; much experimentation is proceeding along reasonably correct lines and the doors of knowledge are opening one by one. Soon, a flood of new insights will sweep the world, leading to an entirely new approach to disease and its cause and treatment.
Behind all of this activity stands Hierarchy, watching and guiding from behind the scenes of life, seeking, wherever possible, to stimulate research and experiment. This stimulus flows along two main lines: to galvanize far-seeing men into exploration of man's constitution and structure, on the knowledge of which an understanding of the mechanism of disease depends; and to stimulate the various means, curative, ameliorative and preventative, old and new, orthodox and unorthodox, which seek to control disease today.
One of the outstanding happenings of the present time has been the rise into prominence of so-called spiritual or faith healers of various kinds. There has been a marked shift in public acceptance of their role and gifts and this on a world-wide scale. A new interest in the ancient healing methods of the East has widened the technical resources and understanding of Western practitioners, while prevention of disease -- the creation of conditions of health and vitality -- is gradually gaining a major role.
All of this portends well for the future, a future in which we shall see the gradual conquering of the ills which so beset mankind. The first step will be to eradicate the fear of disease and, from an understanding of its cause, inculcate a more correct approach to its control.
The transformation of social structures will do much to improve the health of humanity, removing much of the chronic stress and anxiety which is the experience of millions today. Greater leisure and recreation will play their part while sounder agricultural methods will ensure the production of food whose vitality is adequate to man's needs.
When mankind realizes the true nature of its constitution -- as a soul reflecting itself through mental, emotional and two-fold physical (etheric and dense) bodies, the first step in the conquering of disease will be taken. Until now, man's attention has been focused on the dense physical plane while the causes of disease are to be found in the misappropriation of the energies flowing through the subtler bodies.
Man is on the verge of a great discovery: that disease is the result of imbalance; that correct balance is maintained by correct thought and action and that such correct thought and action involves his brothers and sisters everywhere. If man would end disease he must first end separation."
Health and healing (part 2)
"Every few years, a further advance is made in the understanding and control of disease, as we call that state of dis-equilibrium of mind and body which so troubles mankind. Each new advance pushes back a little the limits of man's knowledge of himself, and opens the door to further illumination. As we stand on the threshold of a new era, humanity is poised, as never before, to receive new light. Quickened by the stimulus of the Christ and His Masters, man is ready to discover the truths of his existence which, eventually, will free him totally from disease.
The first step in the eradication of any disease must be an understanding of its cause. Hitherto, the cause of most disease has eluded man's search, so ignorant has he been of the nature of his constitution and the laws under which he functions. From now on, as man proceeds along a more correct course and grasps the necessity of right relationship, this will begin to be remedied. Disease is ultimately the result of wrong relationship: to our higher self, the soul; to our brothers and sisters throughout the world; and to the Whole of which we are a part. By the misuse of soul energy we set in motion the causation. By wrong relationship to our fellows we bring about dis-equilibrium and dis-harmony, and illness of all kinds. Through our sense of separation we cut ourselves off from the healing potencies which everywhere surround us.
A mighty task awaits humanity at this turning point in its life: to cleanse the world of the age-old habits of wrong thinking and living; to change entirely its manner of social living in such a way as to make possible a new freedom from fear: fear of want, of war, of disease and death. An enormous task, indeed, but one worth all the effort involved, for it will lead to a new livingness, a new and sweeter relationship between men, and to a world governed by the principles of justice and brotherhood, sharing and love. What finer goal could there be for humanity than to create such a world? No-one can gainsay the benefits that such a transformation would bring, and We, the Masters, will help you in your task, revealing to you the best paths and possibilities.
Science, today, stands poised to contribute its share to the conquering of disease. The etheric planes of matter await man's exploration and study. Therein will be found the origin of that dis-equilibrium of forces which manifests itself as the body's ills. The treatment of disease will take on a new dimension when the function of the force centers (chakras) as receivers and dispensers of energy is understood and when their connection with the major glands of the endocrine system is known. Already, of course, there are those few practitioners who know this and who do valuable work, but not until this knowledge is general shall we see much advance in the understanding of the mechanism of disease.
It will not be long until this research into the etheric fields begins in earnest. When it does it will transform the therapeutic situation. The new psychology, the coming science of the soul, will throw much light on the nature and cause of disease and point the way to its prevention. In time, man will learn to approach and work with the deva (or angelic) evolution, many aspects of which are deeply engaged in the healing process.
Thus, stage by stage, disease will be eradicated from the world, to be replaced by a vitality and well-being seldom seen today but which is man's birthright, did he but know it. The stage is being set for this transformation. The Masters, on Their return, will point the way, and under Their wise guidance all shall be made new."